Native Forest Organic Coconut MilkIn recent years, many people have gone crazy for coconut milkand it appears to be for good reason. As a substitute for dairy, coconut milk is lactose-free, which allows the millions with allergies or those following a vegan diet the chance to enjoy an alternative that has a very similar texture.Because its plant derived, coconut milk also has greater nutritional value than the traditional options derived from animals. Its richer in niacin, with 1.8 milligrams per cup compared to the 0.23 milligrams in dairy milk. Thats important because niacin (a.k.a. vitamin B3) helps metabolize the nutrients found in food. Coconut milk also has greater concentrations of iron (3.9 milligrams per cup versus 0.1 milligrams), which eases the delivery of oxygen to body tissues and enables cells to function every day.But not all coconut milk is created equal; the healthiest versions are organically made and dont have any sugar or additives. In addition to those qualifiers,