Ensalada de Navidad

Ensalada de Navidad Recipe. This is a classic holiday recipe from Mexico City. It is a sweet and nutty treat that goes great with any savory dish.


1 hr

1 hr

1 review





1 cup


1 cup

1/2 cup

2 oz

1/2 cup


  1. Put beets into a medium pot, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. Reduce heat to medium and cook until soft when pierced with tip of a knife. This takes about 30 minutes.
  3. Drain and reserve 3/4 cup of the cooking liquid. Set aside the beets and liquid to cool.
  4. Cut beets into 1/2 x 2 inch pieces and transfer to a large bowl.
  5. Put jicama, oranges, raisins, guavas, prunes, peanuts, pecans, and sugar into bowl with beets.
  6. Add reserved cooking liquid and toss to mix well.
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Ensalada de Navidad

Ensalada de Navidad Recipe. This is a classic holiday recipe from Mexico City. It is a sweet and nutty treat that goes great with any savory dish.


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Ensalada de Navidad

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