Hot Toddy

Hot Toddy Recipe. The holiday drink that will warm your bones and bring a bit of holiday cheer. It's smooth, light, warm, and delicious.


4 mins


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12 cups

1 1/2 cups

1/4 cup



  1. Boil the water.
  2. Slice the ends of the lemons off.
  3. Cut the lemons in half lengthwise.
  4. Using a spoon remove the lemon flesh from the skin.
  5. Place the skin flat on a cutting board and slice it crosswise into thin strips.
  6. In a mug place 1 ounce of the brandy and 1 teaspon of the sugar. Fill with the boiling water.
  7. Take a lemon peel slice and twist over the drink and drop it in.
  8. Serve.
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Hot Toddy

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Hot Toddy Recipe. The holiday drink that will warm your bones and bring a bit of holiday cheer. It's smooth, light, warm, and delicious.

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Hot Toddy

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