Avocado Salad

Avocado Salad. A refreshing salad that is great to eat on a hot day. This is the type of salad that you have next to your main course on the same plate. It goes great with steak and and can can be used much like a relish or a salsa.


5 mins

5 mins

1 review




1/2 cup

3 Tbsps

1 1/2 tsps

1/4 tsp

1 Tbsp


  1. Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pit and with a spoon scoop out the pulp.
  2. Take the pulp and slice into thin slices.
  3. Add the slices to a bowl and add the red onion.
  4. Drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the avocado and onion slices.
  5. Add the salt, pepper, and parsley. Toss and serve.
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Avocado Salad

Avocado Salad. A refreshing salad that is great to eat on a hot day. This is the type of salad that you have next to your main course on the same plate. It goes great with steak and and can can be used much like a relish or a salsa.

Andrew Deal

I love avocados. Now I have a new way to have them be a core ingedient in a salad. The onions were a bit dominant, so next time I will lower that and raise the parsely. I also put a tomato in it, which I will do again.

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Avocado Salad

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