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Cannellini Bean Salad

Cannellini Bean Salad Recipe. A delicious salad for any occasion. The crispness of the cannellini beans, spiciness of the onions, and the saltiness of the prosciutto makes a tasty combination welcome on any plate.


9 hrs

2 hrs

1 review


2 1/2 cups



3 Tbsps

2 Tbsps

2/3 cup

2 Tbsps



1/4 lb

1 1/2 tsps

3/4 tsp


  1. Place the beans in a large bowl and cover with cold water. Allow to sit overnight.
  2. Drain the beans and place in a large stockpot.
  3. Cover the beans with cold water and bring to a boil.
  4. Lower to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes until the beans are barely tender.
  5. Drain the water and pour the beans onto a baking sheet to cool and dry.
  6. Place the beans in a serving bowl and add the sliced yellow onion, green onion, parsley, and rosemary.
  7. Drizzle with olive oil, white wine vinegar, and lemon juice. Add the crushed garlic and thinly chopped prosciutto.
  8. Season with salt and pepper to taste and toss. Allow to sit at room temperature for 2 hours before serving.
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Cannellini Bean Salad

Cannellini Bean Salad Recipe. A delicious salad for any occasion. The crispness of the cannellini beans, spiciness of the onions, and the saltiness of the prosciutto makes a tasty combination welcome on any plate.


At first I was weary when I saw the HUGE slices of onions, but then the directions say to leave at room temperature (to macerate) for two hours and what a delicious infusion of flavors. This is the first bean salad I have seen with prosciutto, I imagine crispy bacon cubes would do well, too!

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Cannellini Bean Salad

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