Black Bean Soup

Black Bean Soup Recipe. Looking for a soup that has a bit of a southwestern bite? This is the soup. Black Beans make it a hearty soup with a bit of heat added.


15 mins

2 hrs, 10 mins

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1 lb

10 cups



2 Tbsps

1/2 lb




1 Tbsp

3 Tbsps

2 Tbsps

1/2 tsp


  1. In a stockpot combine the black beans, water, bay leaf, and crushed garlic.
  2. Bring to a boil, lower to a simmer, and cook for 1 hour.
  3. In a sauté pan heat the oil over medium heat. Add the bacon, yellow onion, and bell pepper. Sauté until the yellow onion is translucent.
  4. After the beans have cooked for 1 hour add the onion mixture as well as the diced serrano chile, oregano, cumin, salt, and pepper. Simmer for an additional hour or until the beans are tender to your liking.
  5. Remove the bay leaf and crushed garlic.
  6. Pour 2 cups of the black beans into a blender. Start with the slowest speed and work your way up to puree.
  7. Stir the pureed black beans back into the stock pot and cook over medium heat for an additional 10 minutes. This will thicken the soup.
  8. Serve hot.
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Black Bean Soup

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Black Bean Soup Recipe. Looking for a soup that has a bit of a southwestern bite? This is the soup. Black Beans make it a hearty soup with a bit of heat added.

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Black Bean Soup

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