Cold Avocado Soup

Cold Avocado Soup Recipe. Elegant, cool, and nice. For those hot summer days.


15 mins

1 hr

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2 cups

1/2 tsp

1/4 tsp

2 cups

2 Tbsps

2 Tbsps


  1. Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pit and scoop out the pulp making sure not to damage the avocado shell.
  2. Chop up the pulp and add to a blender.
  3. Add the chicken broth, salt, and pepper.
  4. Turn the blender on at the slowest speed to combine the ingredients.
  5. Slowly pour in the whipping cream and continue to blend for about a minute until the soup thickens.
  6. Chill the soup for about an hour and freeze the avocado shells.
  7. Pour the soup into the avocado shells and garnish with a few drops of cognac and sherry to your liking.
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Cold Avocado Soup

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Cold Avocado Soup Recipe. Elegant, cool, and nice. For those hot summer days.

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Cold Avocado Soup

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