Chicago Style Hot Dog

Chicago Style Hot Dog Recipe. New York and Chicago both claim to have the best hot dogs. And both are great but it all depends on what kind of a mood you're in. The Chicago style hot dog has a nice balanced taste with the addition of the pickle, tomato, and celery salt.


5 mins

5 mins

1 review






1/4 tsp

1 Tbsp

1 Tbsp

2 Tbsps



  1. Place the cooked hot dog in the warmed hot dog bun.
  2. Add the pickle spear to one side of the hot dog.
  3. Place the sliced tomatoes on the other side of the hot dog and sprinkle with the celery salt.
  4. Spread the mustard on the hot dog.
  5. Spread the sweet relish over the mustard
  6. Sprinkle the chopped onions over the hot dog.
  7. If you like it hot add the sport peppers on top.
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Chicago Style Hot Dog

Chicago Style Hot Dog Recipe. New York and Chicago both claim to have the best hot dogs. And both are great but it all depends on what kind of a mood you're in. The Chicago style hot dog has a nice balanced taste with the addition of the pickle, tomato, and celery salt.


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Chicago Style Hot Dog

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