Cream Cheese and Ham Scrambled Eggs

Cream Cheese and Ham Scrambled Eggs Recipe. If you're cooking for a crowd this is a great breakfast dish to make and serve in a buffet.


5 mins

5 mins

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1/2 lb

1 cup


1/2 tsp

1/4 tsp

1/4 lb

1/4 cup



  1. In a blender or mixer combine the cream cheese, half & half, eggs, salt, and pepper.
  2. Blend until everything is combined.
  3. Mix in the cubed ham.
  4. Heat the butter in a skillet over medium heat.
  5. Add the egg mixture and allow the bottom to cook and harden up.
  6. Using a spatula that will not harm your frying pan begin to scrape the bottom allowing the uncooked eggs to continue cooking.
  7. When the eggs are moist and fluffy remove the pan from the heat and serve.
  8. Garnish with the diced green onions.
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Cream Cheese and Ham Scrambled Eggs

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Cream Cheese and Ham Scrambled Eggs Recipe. If you're cooking for a crowd this is a great breakfast dish to make and serve in a buffet.

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Cream Cheese and Ham Scrambled Eggs

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