Buttermilk Biscuits

Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe. Nothing tastes better than hot biscuits right out of the oven smothered with butter and honey. The great thing is it takes about a half an hour to make a batch.


15 mins

15 mins

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1 1/2 cups

1 1/2 cups

1 Tbsp

1 1/2 tsps

3/4 tsp

3/4 cup

1 1/4 cups


  1. In a large bowl combine the cake flour, all-purpose flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt. Combine all the dry ingredients using a mixer.
  2. Add the butter cubes and continue to mix thoroughly.
  3. Add the butter milk.
  4. Dust your hands and a surface you can roll out the dough with all purpose flour. Knead the dough into a large ball.
  5. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3/4 inch.
  6. Cut out the biscuits using a 2 1/2 inch cookie cutter and place them on a baking sheet 1 inch apart.
  7. Combine the left over dough and roll it out to cut out more biscuits.
  8. Heat your oven to 400 degrees and bake for 15 minutes until they are golden brown.
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Buttermilk Biscuits

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Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe. Nothing tastes better than hot biscuits right out of the oven smothered with butter and honey. The great thing is it takes about a half an hour to make a batch.

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Buttermilk Biscuits

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