Mexican Fruit Cocktail

Mexican Fruit Cocktail Recipe. We see the fruit carts on the street corners with vendors who will cut to order fresh fruit topped with a spicy seasoning and drizzled with fresh limejuice. This is a refreshing snack that is the perfect combination of sweet, juicy, and spicy. Once you have fruit this way you might find yourself craving it on a daily basis.


45 mins


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3 Tbsps

1 Tbsp



  1. Slice the watermelon in half. Slice each half into quarters. Slice each quarter into 1-inch slices. Slice off the rind from each piece and then chop into bite size pieces.
  2. Slice the papaya in half lengthwise. Using a spoon remove the seeds. Slice each half into 1-inch slices. Slice off the skin from each piece and then chop into bite size pieces.
  3. Slice the cantaloupe into half. Using a spoon remove the seeds. Slice each half into quarters. Slice each quarter into 1-inch slices. Slice off the rind from each piece and then chop into bite size pieces.
  4. Slice the honeydew melon into half. Using a spoon remove the seeds. Slice each half into quarters. Slice each quarter into 1-inch slices. Slice off the rind from each piece and then chop into bite size pieces.
  5. Slice the top and bottom off the pineapple. Using a knife carefully slice off the skin starting from the top of the pineapple. Once the skin has been removed. Slice the pineapple into quarters from the top. Slice off the hard tip of each quarter section and discard. Slice each quarter into 1-inch slices and then chop into bite size pieces.
  6. Using a vegetable peeler peel the skin off the jicama. Chop into bite size pieces.
  7. Using a vegetable peeler peel the skin off the cucumber. Slice the cucumber in half lengthwise. Using a spoon scrape out the seeds. Chop into bite size pieces.
  8. To make the seasoning combine the salt and cayenne pepper.
  9. For each serving combine an equal portion of fruit into a small bowl. Sprinkle with the seasoning mix to taste and then squeeze the juice of 1 lime. Toss lightly and serve.
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Mexican Fruit Cocktail

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Mexican Fruit Cocktail Recipe. We see the fruit carts on the street corners with vendors who will cut to order fresh fruit topped with a spicy seasoning and drizzled with fresh limejuice. This is a refreshing snack that is the perfect combination of sweet, juicy, and spicy. Once you have fruit this way you might find yourself craving it on a daily basis.

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Mexican Fruit Cocktail

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